Monday, December 31, 2007

This page, by the way, is where the rousing travel music kicks in if this was a movie.

Also, one of my favorite cartoonists, Shaenon Garrity, just started a new webcomic! I seriously doubt she needs the links from me, but what can I say, I'm excited. It's called Skin Horse, and it's only one strip in but so far I love it. Sincerely.

Judging from the intro, it's named after the skin horse from the Velveteen Rabbit, which was my my favorite story of all time ever when I was a kid. Oh, the Velveteen Rabbit! I love that little guy. Double bonus!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Oh crap! I forgot to fix the color of Jackie's pants before I posted this! I'll have to change it when I get home. (What was I thinking?)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas! Mine was pretty good. Every year we watch It's A Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve if we can, and every year I'm reminded that it really is a completely awesome movie. I think Frank Capra's "Capra-corn" reputation is a little undeserved. Most of his movies have such bleak circumstances that the usually uplifting endings seem very welcome and sincere, and not at all over the top.

But anyway, I hope you all had a great holiday, and thanks so much for reading! That's your christmas present to me.

(Okay, maybe that sentence was a little over the top, but I mean it.)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Oh man, it's almost time for Death Pool! I only got Joey Bishop this year. I had lots of good ones, too. Jerry Lewis, I love you, but I cannot fucking believe that you are still alive.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just wanted to say that this page is one of my favorites of all the ones I ever drew.

Nona's got "Black Beauty" there. Dean Martin claimed that was the only book he ever read, besides comic books. (He loved Batman.)

...Look, I love Dean Martin, okay?!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Josh is every boy I knew in high school. Every white boy, anyway.

I just made a Sketch page, but it's not linked on the main page yet. For now, you can find it here. There's only four things up there now, but there's a lot more coming.
Last blog entry I recommended the movie Dog Day Afternoon. This time I'm gonna suggest Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. It's a very early Scorsese, and sort of atypical because it's about a single woman and her son. This was also a huge huge inspiration for The Good Crook, or at least I think it was. It's a good one, and much much better than the TV show it spawned (Alice.)

It's also a little closer to being a christmas movie for the whole family. But not totally. There's swearing. Kids swearing. (That's one of my favorite things.)