Monday, December 10, 2007

Josh is every boy I knew in high school. Every white boy, anyway.

I just made a Sketch page, but it's not linked on the main page yet. For now, you can find it here. There's only four things up there now, but there's a lot more coming.
Last blog entry I recommended the movie Dog Day Afternoon. This time I'm gonna suggest Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. It's a very early Scorsese, and sort of atypical because it's about a single woman and her son. This was also a huge huge inspiration for The Good Crook, or at least I think it was. It's a good one, and much much better than the TV show it spawned (Alice.)

It's also a little closer to being a christmas movie for the whole family. But not totally. There's swearing. Kids swearing. (That's one of my favorite things.)

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