Monday, June 23, 2008

When I was a kid, probably eleven or twelve, I bought an Adam Sandler comedy cd. My dad immediately gave me a copy of George Carlin's You Are All Diseased, saying that if I was going to listen to that kind of thing, I might as well listen to the good stuff. From that point on, George Carlin was my all-time favorite comedian.

George Carlin passed away yesterday and I just wanted to write a little bit here about what he meant to me. What does this have to do with The Good Crook, you ask? Well, George Carlin's bit about how he prays to Joe Pesci (because he looks like a guy who can get things done, and the results are the same anyway) was a big part of what got me interested in mafia movies in the first place.

I'm still a little shocked about this. RIP, George. In one of his routines, he said he believes that when people die, they go wherever they think they're gonna go. I hope he thought he was going somewhere good.

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