Monday, January 26, 2009

The end is near, guys.

Including Monday's, there are five pages of The Good Crook left.

Instead of having it end next Wednesday, I'll be running the comic on Tuesday-Thursday as well as MWF this week. Which means its the last week of the comic.

I have a lot of people to thank, but we'll save that for the final page. Needless to say I'm incredibly grateful to every person who ever read this comic, forever. (Also its my 21st birthday on the 31st. In case you were wondering.)


Max Roderick said...

it was mine on the 23rd

happy birthday

also: love the comic, hope to see another from you soon (besides bobwhite, of course)

Unknown said...

Hey! Love your comics! Just thought you'd like to know that Bobwhite got mentioned on my school's Sequential podcast in their 'must reads'...

keep up the awesome comics!

Isaac said...

Gaarrhh why must you be so talented and yet so young

Congratulations - the Good Crook has been one of my favorite things on the internet for a while now.